La presente cartella, edita da Giordano Boetti Editions e curata dalla Litografia Bulla di Roma, è stata ideata dal duo artistico LU.PA

Contiene 6 foto riguardanti le principali performance del duo.

OLO, o della danza del tutto (Roma - Spazio Y 2018) crediti fotografici Giovanni De Angelis
SANS TITRE Zadkine (Parigi - Musée Zadkine 2018) crediti fotografici Camille Vivier
VACANZA Teletransport Holidays (Roma - Maker Faire European Edition 2019) crediti fotografici Daria Paladino
IPERCONNESSE (Roma – Galleria d’Arte Moderna 2022) crediti fotografici Zoe Zizzola
STRUTTURA RESTAURATIVA IN TRE ATTI (Roma – Panetteria Atomica 2022) crediti fotografici Panetteria Atomica
PARLA (Roma - Palazzo Farnese 2023) crediti fotografici Giulio Pugliese

Cartella tirata in 13 esemplari

Ciascun esemplare è numerato in numeri arabi da 1/12 a 12/12, timbrato e firmato da LU.PA, più una prova d’artista timbrata e firmata da LU.PA
Stampa Giclée su carta Hahnemühle Matt FineArt – smooth 308 gsm white, acid free 100% cotton in formato 29.7 x 42 cm


About the Performances

The web is one of the favourite LU.PA’s tools, which it uses as a place of research, fascinated by the discovery of the new connections that the Web returns. The duo carries out a meta-reflection on its products and processes, highlighting the semantic and semiotic short-circuit that the concepts and words undergo inside, and often uses it as a terrain of action like it happened for Nodum, a transmediale project realized in 2018 for Apulia Land Art Festival, curated by Carmelo Cipriani and inside IPERCONNESSE (MATERIA NOVA, Galleria d’Arte Moderna di Roma, Post Ex room, curated by Massimo Mininni) . LU.PA’s work has been presented inside public institutions such as Musée Zadkine in Paris (Sans Titre (Zadkine) commissioned by the Museum’s director Noëlle Chabert and the independent curator Azad Asifovich) ; Palazzo Doria Pamphilj, Valmontone (Microcosmo.Visions of Contemporary Landscapes, curated by Antonio Trimani and Monica di Gregorio, 2019). Their performance VACANZA, Teletransport Holidays has been programmed in different contexts : MAKER FAIRE_the European Edition, (curated by Valentino Catricalà, Rome, 2019) ; POST TURISMO (curated by Giuliana Benassi, Rome, 2022) ; Palazzo Taverna (Invited by Marco Bassan and Ludovico Pratesi, Rome, 2022). In 2022 LU.PA is one of the selected fellows of Master MAP_PA (Mattatoio, Rome) directed by Ilaria Mancia, Cesare Pietroiusti and Cecilia Casorati.